
Suicide Girl Honey Manko Meets ManGlaze

I royally suck for not getting this up sooner since I view this as one of the biggest honors we could have recieved. model/radio host Honey Manko sent us this gorgeous pic from her shoot "Club 27 Forever". Hopefully we can get her to pose for our upcoming releases! 


Matte Crackle Nail Polish & Mayo

Crap. We haven't had much to say for a long time. It's probably cuz I suck! That and the fact that we've been too damn busy. 

Besides spreading the matte love on a day to day basis, we've been beating our long promised matte white Mayonnaise into submission. I originally wanted a super blingy winter wedding white but we couldn't make it happen in one bottle. So instead we created Hot Mess clear/bling matte top coat and Mayonnaise matte white. This is the Fishdicks & Mayonnaise combination we're often joking about. 


They Actually Said "ManGlaze" on the Today Show

Surprisingly, ManGlaze was featured on the Today Show with Style Editor Bobbie Thomas.

Random Feedback

Here is what some of our customers have said to us about ManGlaze. It's pretty funny that even though most of our customers are guys, we pretty much only hear back from our female clientele. I'm that kinda guy too though so I can't really blame the guys:
"I have to say how impressed i was with the speed of the delivery. Received it on Friday 16th. Fantastic. One of my friends ordered it and i loved it so much i thought i should get my own rather than use all of hers. Will definitely be coming...

This Never Happened

Can you believe these 8 girls found this really long sofa, made t-shirts and recorded this video for us? I don't. ;)