I actually got out for a run with the dog this morning. During the run I decided to indulge myself by keeping DLR's Yankee Rose playing on repeat. I found that it causes one to run with a little extra spring in their step. Plus, you get an excellent upper body work out from the obligitory arm flailing air guitar gestures. It's so strange that I hated this song when it first came out (1986!) and now it's so prominent in my personal soundtrack.
Interstingly, Apple iTunes Store is not currently featuring David Lee Roth's album Eat 'Em & Smile for purchase in the USA. Oddly enough you can still purchase Sonrisa Salvaje, the Spanish-language version of Diamond Dave's first rockin' post Van Halen release.
David Lee Roth - Yankee Rose - http://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/yankee-rose/id257301402?i=257301415 #iTunes